Spooky2 Scalaire est le premier dispositif de traitement scalaire à proposer trois méthodes différentes de transmission des ondes scalaires de soin : le scalaire pur, le scalaire moléculaire et scalaire avec fréquences de Rife.
Les champs produits par Spooky2 Scalar sont puissants et mesurables. Nous utilisons des circuits analogiques pour assurer un signal pur, et le signal peut être soit moléculaire ou modulé en fréquence en utilisant des fréquences basses ou hautes.
Lorsque Spooky2 Scalar est utiliser, vous ne pouvez pas voir grand-chose. Vous pouvez appuyer sur le bouton lumineux de synchronisation et vous pouvez voir la lumière s’allumer, indiquant la présence du flux d’énergie entre l’émetteur et le récepteur. Vous pouvez avoir une indication de l’énergie en plaçant un tube fluorescent sur la bobine de sortie. Le tube commencera à briller.
Comment appliquer les champs scalaires
Scalaire pur
C’est la façon la plus simple d’appliquer l’énergie curative du scalaire car il n’y a rien de spécial à faire. Syntoniser les valises Spooky2 Scalar, puis asseyez-vous ou allongez-vous entre l’émetteur et le récepteur. L’énergie scalaire pure circule alors entre les couvercles des valises.
Scalaire moléculaire
Le fait de placer une substance sur la bobine de la valise réceptrice améliore encore le signal Scalaire. Les molécules de l’échantillon modifieront le signal entre les couvercles. Vous obtenez l’effet curatif de la substance chimique. La substance peut être des huiles essentielles ou des médicaments. Par exemple, vous pouvez placer de l’huile de menthe poivrée sur la bobine de la valise réceptrice, et vous recevrez les avantages que l’huile de menthe poivrée procure.
Scalaire de Rife
La troisième façon d’améliorer les ondes Scalaires est l’utilisation de la modulation Rife. Cela combine les découvertes de Royal Rife avec celles de Nikola Tesla. Royal Rife a découvert que les agents pathogènes répondent à une fréquence particulière. Spooky2 Scalar peut appliquer cette fréquence en utilisant les ondes scalaires de guérison. Seul Spooky2 Scalar peut moduler les fréquences originales de Royal Rife, ce qui fait de Spooky2 Scalar la machine Rife la plus avancée au monde.
Après que Spooky2 Scalar soit accordé, connectez un générateur Spooky2 à la connexion du générateur. Asseyez-vous entre l’émetteur et le récepteur pendant que les programmes s’exécutent. Le Spooky2 Scalar accepte n’importe quelle fréquence de l’énorme base de données Spooky2.
Les deux méthodes de d’enrichissement du flux scalaire peuvent être utilisées simultanément pour améliorer encore plus l’efficacité des traitements. Par exemple, pour traiter le cancer, vous pouvez placer de l’encens, de la menthe poivrée, de la lavande, de l’onagre et des huiles essentielles d’agrumes sur la bobine de la valise réceptrice, et exécuter des programmes de lutte contre le cancer sur le générateur Spooky2 connecté.
Les personnes atteintes de cancer peuvent placer un médicament de chimiothérapie dans un récipient en verre contenant leur urine ou leur sang, et placer le récipient sur la bobine de la valise réceptrice.
Note importantes :
Cadeau gratuit : câble BNC
Nous fournissons un câble BNC dans votre colis. Vous pouvez utiliser ce câble BNC pour connecter le GeneratorX de Spooky2 afin de lancer le traitement scalaire de Rife. Ce câble n’est pas nécessaire pour le traitement scalaire pur ou scalaire moléculaire.
Spooky2 Scalar est conçu pour être portable, compact et puissant. La valise émettrice intègre un générateur de fréquence intégré qui fournit des champs électromagnétiques réguliers à la valise réceptrice par le câble de liaison. La valise réceptrice convertit cette énergie en scalaire, et la retourne à la valise émettrice via les couvercles.
Taille de chaque unité : 170mm (H) x 360 (L) x 290 (l)
Poids des 2 valises : 11 kg
Câble de liaison : 4m
Alimentation : 12 VDC 2A
Courant maximum en entrée : 0.6A
Plage de Fréquence : 1.00 MHz – 8.00 MHz
Pas de Fréquence : 50 kHz
Flux Scalaire : 30mA
Cadeau gratuit : câble BNC
Suzi Smith –
With scalar, it’s not a direct target like with GenX and its hard to know how and if it is doing something. When we do get success, it’s very exciting. So wanted to share.
A couple of years ago I was told this slow growing growth was a Keratosis Mole. Was told they can keep growing but if it changes shape or color then it may have turned to cancer.
This fall it started growing more. It had me nervous so started taking pictures.
Timeline – used scalar in July. No scalar in August. Then started using scalar 24/7 in September except one week in October. My scalar is 20′ apart in my bedroom so am in the field while I sleep and some during the day.
Mole started growing throughout the fall.
11/17/18 first picture.

12/10/18 husband said I HAD to go to the doctor because it had developed black specs.
12/16/18 it was dry and I felt like it was very dry and flakey.
12/17/18 was red but the mole was GONE.
Today, the area is smooth with no evidence a mole existed. Not even a scar! Completely gone!
Now, I have no idea why scalar chooses to rid me of the keratosis and it has not gotten rid of little skin tags or other issues. Perhaps this is the one that may have had skin cancer. I just do not know but excited it is gone.
Someone asked me if I was targeting it with plasma or remote generators or GenX scans. The answer is NO direct treatments. This fall I ran GX scans for 1 week so it could not have been from the scan and run. The only possibility that was consistent was using Spooky2 Scalar.
I wonder how else it may be healing? Scalar is still a mystery to me. But am thankful I have it.
Ron Havenaar –
Woman around 45 years. 2 years ago had surgery for breast cancer. Did not want chemo or radiation therapy in the hospital. Her wish was to be treated with the Spooky Plasma.
I treated her until mamma CA was no longer to be found in my EAV test. Now after 2 years on a checkup in the hospital they found another tumor at the same breast.
This time another type, hormone sensitive. She is in menopause now so her hormones were out of balance. CT scan and biopsies were not good. Grade 2.
What I did:
1st session (week 1): I took 4 CC of her morning urine (taken with her from home) and mixed it with a tablet of 1000mg Vitamin C. I do not have any chemo substances, but I found on the internet that Vit C is toxic for cancer in vitro and in vivo. Additionally, I took 3 blood samples on a strip of glass for my darkfield microscope.
2 samples were placed on the Spooky Scalar. 1 on the sender, 1 on the receiver. After 30 minutes I exchange positions: The treated sample on the transmitter will be the sending now, and vice versa. Session time 1 hour. I completed the session with Spooky plasma and Bicom therapy. The third sample is followed under the scope.
2nd session (week 2): Same as before but without the urine, only blood samples, curcumin, and tamoxifen.
3rd week she went to the hospital for a prescreening for her second surgery. Staff became nervous. Did n..o..t find any tumor any more. They still are planning the operation, because they don’t believe…….. Today she told me her story. We needed a hot cup of tea to come to our senses.
John and Spooky team members
Thanks again for this wonderful instrument.
I am still wondering: what the heaven did happen.
Agnes Bos –
We are just starting to aim at healing an advanced lung and chest cancer from my brother. Up to now we only did molecular scalar since we live very far away. Now we are traveling to bring him a scalar unit.
It may be a coincidence, but although the cancer was very quickly growing, on the last scanner the growth had stopped, the water pocket around his heart was slightly reduced. The doctors took this as great progress (they do not know we are using spooky scalar) And we find it very encouraging too.
Good luck and warm regards.
Sebastien Mercier –
I used Spooky2 Scalar to give his students a try for Scalar energy healing. It went very well. They sat between Scalar Transmitter and Receiver. People were full of energy, not tired. Their tiredness and fatigue all disappeared.
I also did an experiment with Spooky2 Remote for Scalar energy healing. Place the Remotes apart from each other, and physically be in the space between the Remotes. I found some unexpected results. My students all were tense, overcharged. No headache, no oppression, but it was too much. After the comparison with Spooky2 Scalar, I found that Spooky2 Scalar is more suitable for Scalar energy healing.
Sebastien Mercier –
I also did an experiment with Spooky2 Remote for Scalar energy healing. Place the Remotes apart from each other, and physically be in the space between the Remotes. I found some unexpected results. My students all were tense, overcharged. No headache, no oppression, but it was too much. After the comparison with Spooky2 Scalar, I found that Spooky2 Scalar is more suitable for Scalar energy healing.
Bob Tompkins (verified owner) –
I have already had many experiences for the Molecular Scalar since I had Spooky2 Scalar. I usually put Essential Oil and Vitamins on Scalar Receiver Coil. Only for 15 minutes, I get very good effects. The swelling of the body begins to fade, and the pain begins to ease obviously.
Harvey Sweeney (verified owner) –
In July 2018, after watching the video introduction of John White about Spooky2 Scalar, I felt that it would be very easy to use, so I decided to buy Spooky2 Scalar. I previously had a tumor in my body, which has been improved after using a series of other products, but it has recurred very quickly. I think that Spooky2 Scalar is easy to use and usually he put in 2 drops of MMS in it to kill any cancer cells that might be there. I placed that on the receiver. I also had a small bottle of CBD oil, another one of THC oil and one of Frankincense. Not much happened in the first 2 weeks but by the end of the 3rd week, it was half the original size. I was stunned by the results. I had the VA do blood work and x-rays. They could not find anything, nothing negative showed up. I also had a live dark screen blood analysis and no cancer cells were found.Spooky2 Scalar is priceless!
Charlie Blanchard –
I have used Spooky2 Scalar for two months and got a lot of benefits, such as better and deeper sleep, more overall health, remarkable pain relief in bones, improving blood markers for cancer, clear head, better moods. That was amazing!
Robb Tolhoek –
Hello, my Scalar order arrived yesterday and I am very pleased with it. Immediately I found relief when I sat in front of it and even fell asleep. Later I put it between my bed and last night slept with them going all night. With amazing results this morning, no pain anymore. 3 weeks ago I made a great mistake in my eating habits. Normally I am very Healthy and even studied Nutrition over many years. Anyway one night I had a meal late at night which I normally don’t do. But anyway I had a meal with very Hot Chilli’s in it and went to bed with soon after. That night I burnt or severely damaged my esophagus and stomach lining. It was very painful to eat or even walk short distances. It felt like having a Heart attack most of the day. I tried many vitamins, lots of water but nothing changed. It still hurt as much as the first day I did this. Sleeping at night was worse, mainly sleeping on my left side. I believe was burned or damaged more.
I was very pleased to see my Scalar arrive on Saturday and so set it up and sat down. After about 3 minutes my body or Cells seemed to calm down and even felt sleepy. The pain seemed to have stopped and I stayed there for an hour as it felt good. After that I set the Scalar up at my bed and that night slept soundly.
Today I feel great NO pain anymore. I just can’t believe the change that just happened.
So thank you again for everything.
Dwayne –
Excellent services – product is great
Spooky2 Scalar –
Thanks for your support.